Upper does not include a bolt carrier group or charging handle.
Dear Customers,
We recently received a complete evaluation from the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms on the legal
status of the Can Cannon dated: August 26th, Received September 11, 2015. The evaluation of the Can Cannon
as currently produced is in and of itself not a firearm and not controlled, however when placed on a rifle
receiver is considered a (SBR) short barrel rifle, and when placed on a pistol (AOW) Any Other Weapon.
We are submitting a revised design to address the issues in the B.A.T.F.E’s determination letter. We will update
our customers throughout this process.
For questions or inquiries about this matter, please email
Attached to this document is the recent evaluation from the BATFE.
Best Regards,
X Products LLC
Date: 9/21/2015